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Insurance & Financial Solutions

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All services
Health Insurance Plans
Medicare Services
Life Insurance
Small Business Plans
Supplemental Health Insurance
Disability & Long-term Illness Plans
Supplemental Insurance Plans
Covered CA
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Health Insurance Plans

Medicare Services

Life Insurance

Final Expense Insurance

The average funeral is $30,000.*

Can your loved ones afford that?

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Small Business Plans

Supplemental Health Insurance

Disability & Long-term Illness Plans

Supplemental Insurance Plans

Covered CA

QR Code

Auto & Leasing


Elaine Alcedo

Thanks to Jocel for designing a supplemental health plan which covers my dental, vision, hearing, a holistic wellness plan and pet insurance all for a price I can afford.  I recommend for everyone to call him and see what he can do for you to help you manage all your insurance needs and save money.

Elaine Alcedo

Nov 13, 2022
Todd Satterwhite

Jocel was very thorough and professional in helping me choose the right health insurance carrier and package for my needs. His expertise and knowledge of the products he represents made the decision process very easy.

Dec 29, 2022
Oliver Guerrero

My wife and I needed life insurance asap. Mr Alcedo was patient enough to present options and explain the benefits we’ll be getting. Glad we had him helping us every step of the way. I’d recommend him to all of you looking for help in choosing the insurance that will cater to your needs.

Dec 29, 2022