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Accident Plans

Accident Plans

You don’t plan accidents. But you can plan for them. A supplemental accident plan typically pays a lump-sum cash benefit directly to you for injuries to help cover expenses you may have during your recovery. See videos to learn more:

Surebridge Accident Direct . To learn more, book here for a 30 minute FREE consultation.


Did You Know?
1 in 8 people seeks
medical attention
from an injury each year.

Accidents happen and the Accident Direct plan can help you financially when they
do. The plan offers four budget-friendly benefit level options. 

If you are hospitalized for an accidental injury, the plan pays lump-sum cash benefits directly to you. The
money can be used to pay unexpected medical costs or everyday living expenses.

Accident Direct at a Glance

Pays lump-sum cash benefit for accidental
injuries which result in a hospital confinement
even if benefits are also paid under Workers’
• $25,000 for 14+ days
• $15,000 for 7 - 13 days
• $7,500 for 3 - 6 days
• $3,750 for 1 - 2 days, surgery required.

Additional benefit when two or more covered
persons are injured in the same accident.
Benefits are paid directly to you - not your doctor
or hospital.

Affordable premiums that do not increase as
you get older with coverage starting at less than $1.00 per month. Monthly premiums as low as $0.96 cents!

Cash Benefits can be used for:

* Co-pays or co-insurance

* Rent or mortgage
* Car payments

* Child care

* Everyday living expenses

Notice to our Customers Regarding Supplemental Insurance:

• The supplemental plan discussed in this document is separate from any health insurance
coverage you may have purchased with another insurance company.
• This plan provides optional coverage for an additional premium. It is intended to supplement your
health insurance and provide additional protection.
• This plan is not required in order to purchase health insurance with another insurance company.
• This plan should not be used as a substitute for comprehensive health insurance coverage. It is
not considered Minimum Essential Coverage under the Affordable Care Act. 

Other Important Information
Definitions (See Policy for Other Important Definitions):

• Accidental Injury means sudden, non-recurrent, traumatic, accidental and unanticipated damage to the body, not of gradual onset, requiring immediate medical
attention, and not contributed to, directly or indirectly, by a sickness. The accidental injury must first occur after the insured person’s coverage has become effective and
while the coverage is in force under the Policy. ¹
• First Occur, First Occurred or First Occurrence means an accidental injury that initially occurred for the first time while the Policy is in force for the insured person. This does not include accidental injuries that result in exacerbation or recurrence of a previous injury.2
• Hospital means an institution operated pursuant to its license for the care and treatment of sick and injured persons for which a charge is made that the insured person
is legally obligated to pay. The institution must: 1) Maintain on its premises organized facilities for medical, diagnostic and surgical care for sick and injured persons on
an inpatient basis; 2) Maintain a staff of one or more duly licensed legally qualified physicians; 3) Provide 24 hour nursing care by or under the supervision of a registered
graduate professional nurse (R.N.); and 4) Is accredited as a hospital by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals.
We will not provide any benefits for loss caused by, resulting from, or in connection with: 4
Sickness | Pregnancy and childbirth, including routine or normal newborn child care5 | Any sickness, disease, or other medical condition not the direct result of an accidental injury
occurring while the insured person’s coverage is in force6 | Accidental injuries that do not first occur while the Policy is in force for the insured person7 | Accidental injuries that
do not result in a hospital confinement8 | Any act of war, declared or undeclared9 | Active military duty in the service of any country | Participation in a riot, civil commotion or
insurrection10 | Suicide, attempted suicide, or any intentionally self-inflicted injury while sane or insane11 | Cosmetic surgery12 | Mental or nervous disorders13 | Operating any motorized
passenger vehicle for wage, compensation or profit14 | Drug abuse or addiction including alcoholism, or overdose of drugs, narcotics, or hallucinogens directly or indirectly15 | An
overdose of drugs, being intoxicated or under the influence of intoxicants, hallucinogens, narcotics or other drugs directly or indirectly16 | Directly or indirectly engaging in an illegal
occupation or illegal activity or your being incarcerated17 | Committing or trying to commit a felony18 | Mountaineering using ropes and/or other equipment, parachuting, hang gliding,
racing any type of vehicle in an organized or unorganized event, sky diving, scuba diving below 130 feet, motorized racing, para-sailing, experimental aviation, ultra-light flying, base
jumping, bungee jumping, heli-skiing or heli-snowboarding19 | Travel in or descent from any vehicle or device for aerial navigation, except as a fare paying passenger in an aircraft
operated by a commercial airline (other than a charter airline) certified by U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), on a regularly scheduled passenger trip.20
¹CA: revises to ‘Injury means sudden, non-recurrent, accidental and unanticipated damage to the body which is not of gradual onset, requiring immediate medical attention. The
injury must first occur after the insured person’s coverage has become effective and while the coverage is in force under the Policy’ IL: revises ‘and not contributed to, directly or
indirectly, by a sickness’ to ‘and is not directly related to a sickness or disease’ UT: removes ‘traumatic’ and revises ‘damage to the body’ to ‘bodily injury’ and adds ‘and independent
of disease or bodily infirmity’ after ‘by a sickness’ | 2CA: removes both uses of ‘accidental’ | 3AK, UT: removes last provision IA: revises provision 1 and 2 to read ‘1) be operated
pursuant to Iowa law; 2) be primarily and continuously engaged in providing and operating, either on its premises or in facilities available to the hospital on a pre-arranged basis
and under the supervision of a staff of legally qualified physicians, medical diagnostic and major surgical facilities for the medical care and treatment of sick or injured persons on
an inpatient basis for which a charge is made’ and removes the last provision IL: revises provision 1 to add ‘or in facilities having an agreement to provide’ LA: adds the provision
‘is owned and operated by the State of Louisiana or any of its political subdivisions’ | 4CA: removes ‘or in connection with’ | 5TN: adds ‘except for complications of pregnancy’ | 6CA:
revises ‘not the’ to ‘that is NOT a’ and removes ‘accidental’ | 7CA: removes ‘accidental’ | 8CA: removes ‘accidental’ | 9NC: adds ‘except for terrorism’ | 10MD: deleted entirely MI: revises to
‘participation in a civil infraction or other activity that rises to the level of a misdemeanor or felony’ NC: adds ‘active’ before ‘participation’ UT: adds ‘voluntary’ before ‘participation’
| 11CA: removes ‘while sane or insane’ CO, MO: removes ‘or insane’ MD: removes ‘sane or’ MI: removes entirely | 12DC: adds ‘except as mandated by D.C.’ MD: adds ‘when the treating
physician determines the treatment to be cosmetic’ UT: revises to ‘having cosmetic surgery or other elective procedures that are not medically necessary’ | 13CA: adds ‘as defined’
| 14IL: deleted entirely | 15AK: adds ‘unless administered on the advice of a physician’ AL, IL, KY: adds ‘unless taken as prescribed by a legally qualified physician’ CA: revises to ‘any
loss sustained or contracted in consequence of the insured being intoxicated or under the influence of any controlled substance, unless administered on the advice of a physician’
DC, MD, MI: deleted entirely IL, UT: removes ‘directly or indirectly’ LA: revised to read ‘addiction of alcohol, narcotics, or hallucinogens, directly or indirectly’ WY: adds ‘unless used
as prescribed by a legally qualified physician’ | 16AK: adds ‘unless administered on the advice of a physician’ AL, KY: adds ‘unless taken as prescribed by a legally qualified physician,’
and AL deletes ‘or under the influence of intoxicants’ CA, IN, MD, MI: removes entirely DC: revised to read ‘the voluntary use of illegal drugs; the intentional taking of over the counter
medication not in accordance with recommended dosage and warning instructions; and the intentional misuse of prescription drugs, except as mandated by D.C.’ IL: revised
to read ‘being intoxicated or under the influence of intoxicants that which is defined and determined by the laws of the state where the loss or cause of the loss was incurred,
hallucinogens, narcotics or other drugs, unless taken as prescribed by a legally qualified physician’ LA: revised to read ‘being intoxicated or under the influence of intoxicants,
hallucinogens or narcotics, directly or indirectly’ NC: ‘unless administered on the advice of a legally qualified physician’ NE: removes ‘or other’ and adds ‘unless administered on the
advice of a physician or other illegal drugs’ after ‘narcotics’ TN: adds ‘for alcohol intoxication this means over the legal limit of .08’ after ‘intoxicated’ UT: revises to ‘an overdose
of drugs, hallucinogens, narcotics or other drugs’ and adds the new exclusion ‘the use of alcohol that substantially contributes to, causes the loss, or is over the legal limit, in the
jurisdiction where the loss occurred’ WY: adds ‘unless used as prescribed by a legally qualified physician’ | 17CA: revises to ‘any loss to which a contributing cause was the insured’s
commission of or attempt to commit a felony or to which a contributing cause was the insured being engaged in an illegal occupation’ IL: removes ‘or indirectly’ and ‘or illegal
activity’ MD: removes entirely IA, MO: deletes ‘or your being incarcerated’ NE: revised to read ‘engaging in an illegal occupation’ UT: revises to ‘engaging in an illegal occupation
or illegal activity as a voluntary participant, or your being incarcerated’ | 18CA, MD: removes entirely MI: revises to ‘commission of or attempt to commit a felony or to which a
contributing cause was the insured’s being engaged in an illegal occupation or other willful criminal activity per Michigan Compiled Law Section 500.3452’ UT: adds at the end ‘as a
voluntary participant’ | 19IL: removes entirely IA: revised to read ‘aviation, including experimental aviation, or ultra-light flying’ | 20AR, AZ, CO, DC, KS, LA, MO, MS, NM, OH, WI: adds the
exclusion ‘Treatment, services or supplies received outside the U.S. or Canada. However, treatment, services or supplies received as a result of an acute accidental injury sustained
during the first 30 days of travel outside of the U.S. or Canada will be considered a covered expense. In no event will treatment, services or supplies received beyond the first 30
days of travel outside of the U.S. or Canada be considered a covered expense.’ NC: adds the exclusion ‘Services or supplies for the treatment of an occupational injury or sickness
which are paid under the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act only to the extent such services or supplies are the liability of the employee, employer or workers’ compensation
insurance carrier according to a final adjudication under the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act or an order of the North Carolina Industrial Commission approving a
settlement agreement under the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act.’

Other Important Information
Coverage Information:

• COVERAGE BEGINS: Once Chesapeake has approved your application and you have paid your premium, coverage will begin on the Policy date shown in the Policy
• RENEWABILITY: Your Policy is guaranteed renewable to age 65, subject to Chesapeake’s right to discontinue or terminate the coverage as provided in the Termination of
Coverage section of the Policy.¹
• PREMIUM CHANGES: Chesapeake reserves the right to change the table of premiums, on a class basis, becoming due under the Policy at any time and from time to time;
provided, Chesapeake has given you written notice of at least 31 days prior to the effective date of the new rates.²
• TERMINATION OF COVERAGE: Your coverage will terminate and no benefits will be payable under the Policy³: At the end of the month for which premium has been
paid⁴ | At the end of the month following the date of our receipt of your request of termination | On the date of fraud or material misrepresentation by you⁵ | On the date we
elect to discontinue this plan or type of coverage or all coverage in your state⁶ | On the date an insured person is no longer a permanent resident of the United States | On the
date you reach age 65 | Your dependent’s coverage will terminate at the end of the month following the date such dependent ceases to be an eligible dependent. Premium will
only be refunded for any full months paid beyond the termination date.⁷

Get in Touch

If you want more information, send us a message, and we will contact you.